Questions about Spiritual Work—99

630.2Question: How do I return to the internal part of the study when I feel a strong separation?

Answer: By efforts and only by efforts. Always be among friends and you will avoid separation.

Question: Why does Baal HaSulam’s article “He Who Ceases Words of Torah and Engages in Conversation” (Shamati, 234) categorically say not to interrupt Torah studies in any case? As if our achievements are going to be lost?

Answer: You cannot break away, not because your achievements will be lost, but because when you leave the Torah, you allow the opposite forces to take over you.

Question: What should you do if your family begins to oppress you because you have taken up Kabbalah and begun to teach you how to live? What should one do?

Answer: Bow your head quietly, listen to what they say, and promise them that you will devote less time to this.

Question: Is a mutual request to the Creator enough to connect us and do everything the way He wants, or is it still necessary to scrutinize where we are and what we need now?

Answer: Do what you can. Ask the Creator for what you think is necessary, and you will gradually learn how to turn to Him and rise in asking questions.

Question: What should we do with envy that suddenly emerges and instantly burns everything? Is there a way to get ahead so it does not cause harm?

Answer: Pray always that envy does not defeat you, but that you would defeat envy.

Question: When we read an article together, is it worthwhile interrupting for discussion, or is it better to finish reading to the end, even if there is no time left for discussion?

Answer: It is better to read the article to the end.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/18/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “He Who Ceases Words of Torah and Engages in Conversation”

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Questions about Spiritual Work—98
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