Questions about Spiritual Work—103

533.02Question: At what point will we strengthen our feeling that the Creator is the one who acts?

Answer: You should feel Him at least as your friend. You, the friends, and the Creator are together in one circle. The Creator determines everything. And you direct your gaze toward Him wishing for Him to feel you, to unite you, and to advance you.

Question: How can one convert the fear for one’s life and for the lives of loved ones into awe before the greatness of the Creator?

Answer: You need to pay more attention to the Creator, and then He will take His place in your imagination. I cannot suggest anything else.

Question: How important is it when praying to the Creator to expect a response from Him?

Answer: Do not expect anything. You need to act, demand, ask the Creator, and turn to Him together with the friends so that He helps you and guides you. This should be your collective effort. You will receive a response from Him in any case.

Question: How can I be sure that I am bringing contentment to the Creator with my actions and not the other way around?

Answer: It depends on the ten and on the extent you work together for Him.

Question: How can one integrate into the line “The Creator, the teacher, and us” in a timely way?

Answer: Simply direct yourself through the teacher and through the friends to the Creator, and always keep to this line.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/27/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “His Divorce and His Hand Come as One”

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