Questions about Spiritual Work—102

281.02Question: What does it mean that intention should cover all desires?

Answer: All desires that may arise in a person should be under the intention to bestow, to unite.

Question: How can we avoid speculating in the name of the Creator, and while seeing all the flaws in the ten, justify and lead a righteous life?

Answer: You cannot justify what you see as evil. But you can simultaneously act as a righteous person, meaning to treat people with love and mercy.

Question: From which moment is the nation called Israel? Is it from exiting Egypt, standing at Mount Sinai, or receiving the Torah?

Answer: It is from the moment it directs itself toward the upper connection with the Creator.

Question: Is there a difference between the concepts of Jews and Yehudi?

Answer: Yes. Jews is a common term, while Yehudi means from the tribe of Judah.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

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