Women, Step Forward!

294.2Question: We have a holiday on March 8th—International Women’s Day. It started as a struggle for women’s rights and then turned into a warm international, global women’s holiday. I remember buying my mom Queen of Spades perfume and a bouquet of tulips. We also bought flowers for the girls. And for special girls, beloved ones, maybe Bird’s Milk cake and something else. How was it for you? Do you remember?

Answer: No, I never gave anyone anything except for my mom.

Question: What did you give your mom?

Answer: I sent her a telegram.

Question: Although you were living together?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But when you were little?

Answer: Yes, when I was little, I went to the post office and sent my mom a telegram.

Question: What did you write?

Answer: Congratulations on March 8th, wishing you health, and that is all.

Question: What would you like to wish for our women now?

Dear Women!
From the bottom of my heart, no twist, I love and respect you very much for your huge contribution to fixing the world that your men distort and disfigure.
So let’s continue our work together until the world is fixed. And then all men will understand how much they owe to their women—mothers, daughters, wives. And the world will become calmer and better.

Question: How do women fix the world?

Answer: With their gentle attitude, by not wanting suffering.

Question: Do they intuitively think about their children, that is, this thought immediately arises?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then why do troubles continue and continue?

Answer: It is all because men do such things to the world.

Question: All these games?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So women are not inclined to play games?

Answer: Absolutely not! Women are ready to forgive everything just to have peace. But men are not ready for that. They do not feel like they are achieving anything unless it is through fighting.

Question: What should women do now to come together and raise such a prayer, a cry to stop all of this?

Answer: If women could, then they would make men leave their childish games of war, become more thoughtful, and compel everyone to focus on peace, nature, humanity, and children. But for now, I do not see it.

Comment: But still, you say that women are involved in correction.

My Response: They are involved in correction, but it is very small. They are afraid to step forward.

Question: Do you still have a desire for them to step forward?

Answer: Yes, definitely! They should start governing the world, and the world will become a better place. Exactly then.

Question: Is it due to the fact that they have motherhood in them?

Answer: Yes, They give birth, they want everything to grow, to move forward. But men do not have that.

Question: But still, we both think. A thinking man, a thinking woman.

Answer: A man does not have that deep need for peace in the world. And a woman, she feels with her womb.

That is why this holiday, March 8th, is truly a special holiday. A holiday of hope for correction.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/4/24

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