Speak only Good about Others

917.01Comment: Again and again in Israel, over Israel, the words of parents about their fallen children are heard. Sergeant Yehonatan Luber died in battle in the south of Gaza. These are the words of his father. Listen, it is poignant!

“Luber’s father Hagai … had just one request after his son’s death: He asked for one day of unity in his memory and requested that journalists refrain from publishing items which cause contention and instead focus on the beautiful aspects of our nation.

“Luber prefaced his message, stating ‘From the great power of the Jewish nation, from perceiving the great hour in which the people of Israel are eradicating the essence of evil from the world, and from great and deep personal pain, we announce the falling of our beloved son Yehonatan Luber HyD… .

“’We have no grievance to Hashem, no grievance to the Israeli government and no grievance to the IDF and to the decisions of its commanders in the field.’

“‘May we merit to see a swift victory and the return of our hostages whom Yehonatan so much hoped and prayed for their return.'” (VINnews)

My Response: It is amazing  that parents were able to say such things under such circumstances!

Comment: On the most tragic day of their lives.

My Response: Yes, I have nothing to add.

Question: You know, I feel like I am reading the Torah. Do you feel this way?

Answer: Yes, certainly.

Comment: It is as if a call comes from there.

My Response: But in general, this is a great atonement, this is a great action of the Jewish people who pay with the most precious things they have and want it to serve as such great forgiveness and unification of the people.

Comment: You once said about a mother who spoke about her fallen son that it was instilled from above.

My Response: Yes.

Question: Do you believe and do you feel that such words are not spoken by a person?

Answer: Yes, it is what the Creator instills in the soul of a person, and then the person already transmits the Creator’s words through himself.

Question: Does this not diminish the merit of the parents?

Answer: No, on the contrary. To the extent they can nullify themselves, that is how elevated they are.

Question: To nullify—does that mean not to blame anyone?

Answer: No one! Just convey what they feel from above.

Comment: He even says there: “I do not blame either God, the Israeli government, the military, or the commanders, no one. Just give a day of unification.”

My Response: Yes!

Question: There is a sensation at this moment that these parents feel the root of the nation?

Answer: Yes, undoubtedly.

Question: Is this precisely the moment of truth?

Answer: This is indeed the moment of truth, the reason for all that is happening.

Question: Perhaps it is scary to say that these victims are calling only for this purpose?

Answer: Yes, but I would not say they are victims. Thanks to them our world is rising, is being cleansed.

Question: In your opinion what needs to be done for these sprouts, these requests to fall into soil worthy of this?

Answer: We must constantly live with the words spoken by people who feel these great losses. It is necessary to live with their feelings.

Question: Unite with these parents, and then we will perhaps break through?

Answer: Definitely then! And not just break through; we will simply become different and will live differently: in unity, in love, in forgiveness, in understanding, in striving toward each other. We will begin to feel others in our heart and not through words that are trying to penetrate the eardrum.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/28/23

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