The Incident that Shocked all of Israel

963.5Comment: Recently an incident occurred in Israel that shocked the whole country. As you know, we have a sacred attitude toward hostages. We want to free them with all our might; the whole nation is behind it. When three hostages managed to escape from captivity, reached our positions and were almost free, they were mistaken for terrorists and killed. Huge shock was felt all over Israel.

The press started digging, discussing, and looking for who to blame. And the mother of one of those murdered boys sent an audio message to the soldiers.

“I am Yotam’s mom. I love you, I want to hug you even from afar. My son’s death is not your fault. Please take care of yourselves! You are doing the right thing in the world. Do not blame yourselves for my son’s death. You must protect yourselves in order to protect all of us. Come visit us at the first opportunity, whenever you want. We want to look you in the eye, hug you, and tell to your face, no matter how hard it is, that at that moment you made the right decision, you did the right thing. No one in our family condemns you or holds a grudge against you.”

My Response: Yes, it is hard!

Question: I cannot imagine where a mother can get such strength. The most precious thing has been taken away, and she is rising above it. Tell me, where does such strength come from?

Answer: From above! There is no other way… It is revealed from above.

Comment: And this happens right when the search for those to blame is underway, when everything is being discussed. Suddenly, this voice sounds. What is going on here? A mother is the only one who unites the people. Can you imagine? Suddenly everyone feels what they are and what she is!

My Response: Yes, it is a great breakthrough.

Question: When you talk about the role of the Jewish people, that we should come to show an example of good connections by rising above hatred, can we say this mother is an example?

Answer: Yes, what she did was great.

Question: Can we call this a call for the unity of the people?

Answer: Sure.

Question: Can it influence us?

Answer: I do not know. We have already been through so much! And you see that after all this, there are demonstrations again, there is a search for whom to blame again.

What has been killing us for thousands of years continues to kill. It is our inability to unite above all our accusations and problems. I do not know how to achieve it.

Question: Still, can we say this is a call for it?

Answer: It is the call. It has to simply be on everyone’s lips all the time. Even if people do not feel it, to just say it. Then they will hear themselves.

Question: What should be said? That we should rise above everything, above all differences…?

Answer: Rise above all the differences and unite, embrace, connect, just stick together.

Comment: No matter what happens between us.

My Response: Yes! Above all!

Comment: This woman, this mother, Iris, could have shut down and blamed everyone.

My Response: You see, in this state there are people who rise above themselves. There are no words to describe her condition and her actions. It is just beyond human strength.

Question: What would you say to her if you met her?

Answer: I do not know. I would bow to her and that is all.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 12/25/23

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