If This Is Not for Unity, Then Close Your Mouth!

294.4Comment: Our reservist soldiers are fighting in Gaza. They are already fathers, businessmen, have life experience, and are established guys; they are already mature, you could say. They fight shoulder to shoulder and live in military unity, for them the words “mutual guarantee” are no longer just words, but actions.

They want unity in everything and everywhere. It is good for them to live like this. But they see that the country is again in strife, disputes, and criticism. Political campaigns have started again, and they feel bad about this.

Now short videos have started to spontaneously arrive from the battlefield; there are already thousands, maybe tens of thousands of them. The soldiers speak in front of the camera and say: “I, so-and-so, have been fighting since October 7th. To all commentators, politicians, everyone: If you have nothing to say about our unity, close your mouth!”

The question is this: What do we have to do for them today?

My Response: Support them with our desire for unity so that we do not harm, but only help each other.

Question: Should we then really close our mouths if it suddenly says something against this?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it possible to do this, at least in a time of war? Are we really that corrupted?

Answer: I think that at least for the duration of the war, we can do this, artificially. Then it will become a norm.

Question: Can a person say to himself: “I will keep quiet. I am full of criticism, but I am keeping quiet”?

Answer: I think he can.

Question: What is important here? To have some kind of examples or what? How should one feel about this?

Answer: It should just be such a nationwide appeal, to the whole nation. We must understand that otherwise we will not survive.

Question: Do you mean to keep one’s mouth shut if a person wants to criticize something or say something against unity?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Do you like this appeal: “Shut your mouth”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is it a correct assumption that if we do not close our mouths, if we are in arguments, if we are even in hatred, then we betray them?

Answer: We are not only betraying them, we are betraying ourselves and the country, and in general we are leading everything to destruction.

Question: Are we betraying our children too? That is, God forbid, their death, is it on our conscience? Can you say that?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What should a politician, who warned that this would happen, knew what to do earlier, and turned out to be right, do? Today he does not hold back, he talks about the fact that he was right that they did not listen to him. What should he do?

Answer: It is not necessary to say that he was right, so as not to arouse contradictory opinions and reviews against him. We just need to call more and more for unification.

Question: What if it burns in him? He was right!

Answer: It does not matter. He must put peace, connection, and unity above the fact that he burns.

Comment: For the sake of all these guys in order to win.

My Response: Yes! Of course.

Comment: But he is not just a man, he is a great politician.

My Response: It does not matter. No matter what kind of politician he is, and no matter what he is right about, we know that all this is relative.

He should bend himself and act only for the sake of peace and unification.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/1/24

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