What Do I Wish for Israelis?

272Question: What are your wishes for Israelis in the new year 2024?

Answer: Precisely for Israelis, apart from striving for connection, I have nothing to say. This striving for connection should be above all, and then we will defeat all those who wish us destruction.

Comment: When you say “striving for connection,” what does it mean to you?

My Response: We must raise the importance of connection above all of our other actions, states, and problems.

Comment: There are political problems; there are security and economic problems.

My Response: It doesn’t matter. The most important thing is connection. All problems can be solved through it.

Question: So if the basis is connection, then will all other problems disappear?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How can we get this into the heart and into the brain?

Answer: I don’t know. Each of us just needs to shut up when he wants to say something against someone! That’s all.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/1/24

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