On the Way to the Upper World

942Question: We are in the state of a child who eats bread and does not understand where this bread comes from. What is the similarity to the Creator here?

Answer: By eating bread, we gradually begin to attain its roots. This is called attaining the Creator. This is how we grow.

Question: How can we achieve the state of eating bread?

Answer: This does not depend on us, but only on our spiritual roots, because those who are drawn to the study of Kabbalah have one common spiritual beginning—for men, for women, for everyone. Therefore, we were assembled in one group and given the opportunity to be connected with each other, to get to know each other better, and move toward the goal together.

Question: But a child who eats only receives. What is his bestowal?

Answer: We are also receiving in the meantime.

Question: But how can we bestow?

Answer: We are trying to bestow by the fact that we want to connect and get closer to the Creator. It is as if we are extending our common Kli to Him. And when it becomes similar to what the Creator wants to give us, then we will be able to be in contact with each other and with the Creator and discover the upper world for ourselves. We are already on the way toward it.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 1/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Two Discernments in Attainment”

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