Angels Are Our Helpers

565.02Angels said to the Creator, “Master of the world, what is a woman-born doing among us?’” (Rabash. Article 34, 1990, “What Are ‘A Layperson’s Vessels,’ in the Work?”).

Question: I get the impression that angels feel some kind of jealousy toward people. Are they some kind of independent beings?

Answer: Angels are the will to receive, which at the moment, according to the article, allegedly oppose the advancement of a person to the Creator so that he would understand better how to move forward and would turn to the Creator.

Question: Does it mean that angels are our competitors?

Answer: Angels are our helpers, but as a rule, they act through the questions. But these questions shape a person and raise him.

Question: How can we correctly interact with angels?

Answer: We interact with the Creator. Only with the Creator, but about the questions that the angels awaken in us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/6/24, Writings of Rabash “What Are ‘A Layperson’s Vessels,’ in the Work?”

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