At the Decisive Point of the World

417Regarding the war, the world has split sharply in two: for or against Israel. This confrontation manifests itself in every society and every corner of the world. What role does it play in the process of correction, and why is it happening this way?

I see this confrontation as a force that will oblige the people of Israel to unite. This pressure has no other purpose than to act on us so that we unite with each other.

The world is boiling, and everyone is looking at Israel as if it is an open wound on the body of the world. Why is such attention drawn to it? After all, if you look at the geographical map of the world, Israel is a very tiny country. However, this material map does not show the spiritual connection of Israel with the entire world.

It is not clear how it is possible that the whole world, billions of people with all their weapons, cannot cope with a tiny country that is almost invisible on the map. Here, the connection between the corporeal and spiritual world is clearly manifested, and we are at the most decisive point.

Despite the smallness of the State of Israel, the world feels particular importance in what is happening there. If you look at the size of this country on the map, it seems there is nothing to talk about. And yet they cannot do anything to us.

It is written in the prophets that at the end of correction, every person from the nations of the world will cling to a Jew to lead them to the holy land. It turns out that it is not enough for us to go out into the spiritual world, but we must bring everyone along with us, and the nations of the world will push us to rise to additional, still higher levels.
From the 3rd the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/14/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Shofar of the Messiah“

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