Internal Coup

213Comment: When I first came across Kabbalistic videos, you were saying the same things as you do now, but there was some energy behind your words. Then, over time, as I listened to it over and over again, I no longer had the initial trembling.

My Response: Your egoism has grown, and therefore you are no longer receptive to the same words. You are thinking: “I already know this, let’s move on. What else can you offer me? Why don’t you reveal anything further?” And grievances arise in you

And grievances are very simple, and I have them too. I told you, now you open it up within yourself. I can’t reveal anything more to you.

Question: How can we use the egoism that has grown?

Answer: But the egoism in you has become completely different. You are no longer the programmed person you used to be; it is possible to talk to you now. You already feel a little, understand and hear the world, hear our ideas, and are able perceive them from two sides, not just by cutting off and remaining closed off.

You have revealed another whole being in yourself; you have done significant work. It is not an easy thing.

Question: Does everyone have their own time frame for a specific turnover?

Answer: This is correct. It happened relatively quickly for you. There are people who haven’t been able to hear for years.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Internal Overturn” 5/28/11

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An Egoist Who Values The Power To Bestow
The Consequences of Egoism’s Growth
Healthy Egoism

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