Spiritual Growth

576.02Comment: When a person begins to study Kabbalah, he enthusiastically takes up dissemination and thinks that this is how it should be. Then he stumbles upon a barrier that breaks him and shows that he needs to be careful not to run to everyone and not “wave the flag.” He begins to realize that the fanaticism that was driving him previously is stupid.

My Response: This is the fanaticism of the crowd that was imposed on you. But now nothing is imposed on you, but gradually you are given additional intelligence, additional facts, an additional scheme of creation and the world so that you would act. Previously, on the contrary, you were manipulated.

Comment: I understand the reaction of people who encounter Kabbalah for the first time. When I began to study Kabbalah, I had a standard reaction of fear from the normal world that I had seemingly gotten somewhere wrong. There has always been such an attitude on the part of people.

My Response: No, now you can safely tell them what Kabbalah is talking about because you have some kind of conceptual apparatus and an appropriate vocabulary.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Fanaticism!!!” 6/14/11

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