Respect from Enemies

937Comment: In ancient times, even during the Roman Empire, Jews were treated with more respect than they are now.

My Response: At that time there was a very big difference between other peoples and the Jews.

The Jews were on a spiritual level; they attained and felt the Creator, and lived according to the principles of the Torah: love your neighbor, do not kill, do not steal, etc.

The rest were barbarians: they killed, stole, subjugated, and raped; it was not possible to travel along the roads. Several centuries ago, this was the case even in the very cultured France. They threw slop out of the windows, and so on.

In ancient Israel, there was nothing of this; everything was conducted in a completely different way. Therefore, although people were in contact with each other, the relations within the peoples were too different. Therefore, each nation developed within itself.

But many were interested in knowledge and received it from the Jews. Everything was open. Even the Romans who wanted to conquer them were well aware of all their holidays and customs. This cannot be hidden in any way.

Question: Why did Rome finally suppress Jerusalem? Why could they not live together?

Answer: The fact is that there is a course of history that had to be manifested. The Prophets said in advance that this would happen because the Jews fell from the spiritual level. Therefore, the one who was opposing it had to put this into action.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Hatred of the Jews” 5/14/11

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