Everybody Changes

600.02Question: You have students who have been studying for more than 15 years. Do you see how they change? Maybe some change and some do not?

Answer: No, everybody changes. The fact is that the changes that we have to go through take a very long time. First, they are passed through by a group that moves due to a point in the heart and advances not because it is pressed by a crisis or some kind of suffering, but because it rushes forward on its own.

Therefore, our world group moves at its own pace, learns, and creates a huge spiritual academy out of itself. However, the masses who will come will begin to study just global nature a little: what kind of interconnected world we find ourselves in, what a closed integral system means, and so on. It will be easy for them.

They do not have to know much. It is enough for them to study such simple things as why we should be interconnected, why nature forces us to do this, and why we used to develop in a certain way, but today we develop in a different way, and why egoism used to force us to compete, to be in a consumer society, and now is destroying itself, becoming its own gravedigger, and forcing us to make it integral and global, to enter an analog system in which everything is interconnected so that we build a new society.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Internal Coup!” 5/28/11

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