Internal Changes

962.2Comment: A person is powerless over his words and actions, and this includes someone who has been on the Kabbalistic path for some time. First, he speaks with an understanding of certain states and he can make some promises. Then he acts as if he has been replaced and has competent excuses for his conditions. This is such a trick!

My Response: This is not a trick. This individual is changing!

Of course, there are people who plan in advance to get out of some state in this way. But I am talking about those who always speak sincerely based on the feeling they are currently experiencing; it is only that the states change.

A person has no control over anything! If you want to deal with someone and be more or less sure of a positive outcome, then you have to deal with extremely primitive, and not spiritual people, they do not change.

They are like animals: in ten years everything with them will be the same as yesterday. Therefore, with great reliability you can be sure that what the person said today will also be true tomorrow, unless he has planned some meanness in advance.

A spiritual person is constantly changing internally. Every time he thinks and decides differently. He does not understand how yesterday he could think in such a way because today he sees that everything should be completely different.

Question: What is changing in him at this moment? It is like a different chemical composition is poured into a person.

Answer: Absolutely! You are affected by light from the next spiritual level, and a change occurs. This means that completely different qualities are awakened in you.

We have desires, and their formation is like a blank computer in which there are memory cells, a motherboard, various blocks, a microprocessor, and so on. The light sets the whole program of work, and therefore such great changes take place.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. You Cannot Trust Anyone!” 7/14/12

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