An Alternative to Egoistic Fulfillment

715Question: Is there any alternative to egoistic fulfillment? What does a person acquire as a result of rising above egoism?

Answer: With his upper knowledge, upper sensation, and upper attainment, a person acquires absolute fulfillment. He sees the whole universe from end to end indefinitely and integrally and feels and realizes how interconnected everything is.

Question: Does the suffering of love give a person such fulfillment?

Answer: It is easier for me to say yes. It is impossible to describe this because for this it is necessary to rise into a different sensation. For any sensations, a substrate is needed, the so-called screen, otherwise what will you feel them on.

Today, man is at the animate level. He does not feel himself outside the body and cares only about feeling as comfortable as possible every second. This is the meaning of his existence, which fits into one small phrase “as long as I exist.” This is our entire animalistic essence.

Therefore, if you do not give a person suffering, he will remain the most primitive animal and will not move. All our movements are made only in order to fill ourselves with something.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Pride” 7/30/12

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