What Is in Your Name?

961.2Question: Why is there such a factor as a surname in nature?

Answer: Because this is how we are arranged. Animals have the same thing, only their identification is of a completely different kind. A dog in order to find out about another dog does not need to ask for a passport. A dog will smell it from all sides and knows everything at once: who it is, what it is, and where it is from.

Question: Do names and surnames have any spiritual roots? For example, in Kabbalah, sages are given certain names according to their spiritual achievements. But there are also human names.

Answer: These names are given according to origin.

If we value a person in our world, first of all, by his social status, wisdom, family, professional, national, or state affiliation, then according to this we attribute all sorts of epithets to him.

For example, a doctor, professor, or laureate. We attribute all this to the name in order to emphasize the essence of this person.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Meaning of a Person’s Name” 7/10/12

Related Material:
The Spiritual Meaning Of Names And Titles
The Holy Names Of Bestowal
The Secret Of The Creator’s Name

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