Manifestation of One Force

568.01Question: In modern physics, there are three main types of matter: matter, field, and dark matter. What kinds of desires and how many of them are there in the spiritual?

Answer: There is the desire to receive. This is what we reveal in ourselves, and other things are not attainable to us.

Question: Is it probably also divided into some hundreds and thousands?

Answer: But it is still a desire to receive.

Comment: Let’s say in our world we see that there is a substance and there is a field— two different types of matter.

My Response: This is a manifestation of the same force, just on different levels. And it is the same way in the spiritual.

Question: From the point of view of Kabbalah, what is primary: matter or consciousness?

Answer: Of course, consciousness; only question is: of what? The realization of matter itself is primary, otherwise we cannot say that something exists. This can be said only to the extent of self-attainment.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 2/12/23

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