In Search of a Common Language with the Creator

294.4We have a problem establishing contact with the Creator. It is not difficult for us to communicate with each other because we, people, have a common language, and we can speak with one another directly or at least through an interpreter. In this way, we can communicate with each other.

In addition, we have common sense organs: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. We have the opportunity to contact each other in different ways and with the help of special devices that we invent for communication.

But what should we do with the Creator? Through what devices and by what means can we contact Him? It is impossible to do this through the same sense organs that we use to feel other people and the whole world in general.

There are many phenomena in our world that are hidden, but we try to uncover and understand them. There are phenomena that go beyond the range of our senses, and are therefore inaccessible to our perception. Yet, over time, we gradually learn more about the world around us. A hundred or two hundred years ago, a person did not have knowledge about our universe like he does today when science has advanced.

As for the Creator, there is no advancement. He was concealed from us, and He remains concealed. The upper force is concealed from us as if behind impenetrable walls, it hides behind all of nature and influences us by all possible means. But we cannot reveal it with our corporeal senses with which we live in this world.

We cannot see the Creator, hear Him, or touch Him. What should we do? Kabbalists explain that it is possible to perform ordinary corporeal actions and if you accompany them with the right intention, expressing your special attitude to the Creator, He will understand, hear, and accept it.

Gradually, due to this yearning, this desire, we can bring the Creator closer to us. The more we reach out to Him, the closer we bring Him to us, and gradually He enters into our feelings and is revealed in them at every opportunity.

At first, the Creator appears as if through a fog, through a cloud, in vague sensations. But then He manifests more and more until we discover that this upper force fills the entire space around us and there is nothing besides the Creator. Everything we see, hear, and feel in any form, everything we perceive is the Creator. In the end, we will feel that He fills the entire reality, embraces everything, and controls everything both outside and inside us.

Therefore, it is worth exploring how we can come closer to our Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/27/23, “Receiving and Giving a Gift”

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