Managing Desires

276.02If I were to make a film about the perception of reality, first of all, I would explain about managing our desires. The only thing at a person’s disposal is the opportunity to exit his natural existence where desires control him arbitrarily.

Sometimes, on some small level, a person can manage them, for example, he follows some kind of diet or wants to go to work instead of sleep. But this is a preference of some egoistic desires over others. This is not the kind of management that Kabbalah talks about.

Kabbalah talks about managing desires where we rise above their control of us in order to manage them ourselves.

I connect with the force of nature that launches me, and I act. That is, I am above my desire, which is my essence, and I manage it together with the upper light. This very part of me, which rises above my desire and connects with the upper light, with the Creator in me, is called Man, human.

Those who do not have this opportunity and have not developed the technique of rising above their desire and still live in it, are not called people from the point of view of Kabbalah. In the meantime, they are called “existing at the animate level” because they are launched completely unconsciously, uncontrollably by the upper force that simply develops them from generation to generation.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Unreal reality” 6/27/11

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