How to Receive from the Teacher?

294.2Question: Did you say that one can receive from the teacher by bestowing to him?

Answer: You are obliged to. You can receive when you connect with the teacher; otherwise, you will have no place to receive. But it is possible to connect with him only to the extent of the equivalence of qualities.

You cannot come to him and say: “I want, I want, I want!” It will give nothing but rejection between you. To the extent that you bestow to him, you can receive from him.

Question: What exactly am I bestowing?

Answer: Desires, qualities, feelings, and even some actions in our world. Why have I been with my teacher for 12 years? I was his driver, deputy, and assistant; I took care of him like a nurse at a hospital bed. For what? Naturally, only in order to receive from him. Would this old man be dear to me if I did not want and appreciate what is in him? Of course not! A person should be aware of what he is doing everything for.

In our life, we instinctively treat only children with love, and everything else, on the contrary, with rejection.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To Receive from the Teacher” 4/13/11

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