Unified Level of Communication

939.02Comment: We are used to the expression “reading someone’s thoughts.” You replace it with the words “know the roots of movement.”

Answer: Why should I read a person’s thoughts?! Do I not understand what kind of device it is? A small biological device that is engaged only in maintaining itself in the most convenient form. Its body strives for homeostasis because all inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature strives for it, and it egotistically reaches for maximum fulfillment. What else do I need to know about him?

Question: But in order to convey information to a person, don’t you need to absorb his understanding? If you feel it much deeper, you could find greater communication with him.

Answer: Yes and no. So what if I understand how he lives? For example, there is a small child in front of you. How will you find communication with him, at what level? You still have to go down to his level, make yourself small like him. Communication can only be on one level.

Question: But an adult has his own world. Let’s say he goes to work, goes out somewhere, to the child it seems to be something unusual, he does not even understand what it is about. For a Kabbalist, what seems to be like miracles to a child are a natural process that takes place around him.

So there are some things that you cannot explain even on our egoistic level?

Answer: There are things that I cannot explain and that you cannot feel. I can take you, like a small child, to my work, I can take you into the big world, and you will see something there and perhaps understand a little because you have five senses like in an adult, only they are not developed.

Therefore, I will be able to explain something to you a little, that is, I can develop your five material sense organs. But if they are developed in you, and spiritual ones are not, what can I do with you?! Nothing.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is a Miracle” 3/6/11

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