All of Nature Is Zeir Anpin

276.01Rabbi Hiya said to Rabbi Yosi, “Your saying Barah Sheet, which is implied in Beresheet, is so indeed, since the six upper days, which are only VAK de Bina, impart upon the Torah, ZA, and not more” (Zohar for All, “Lock and Key”).

Question: “In the beginning (Beresheet)” is how the Torah begins. The sources say that the Torah is Zeir Anpin. It is one of the ten Sefirot, which includes six more. What does “created six” mean?

Answer: The entire nature that the Creator created is under His control and created by Him from six parts: Hessed, Gevurah, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, and Yessod. The Creator himself represents His influence on nature through the three upper Sefirot: Keter, Hochma, and Bina. Then the other six Sefirot follow.

Malchut is the last, seventh Sefira. That is, through six Sefirot the Creator creates the last, seventh, in which His entire plan is manifested. Practically, this is what the chapter “Lock and Key” speaks about in the introduction of The Book of Zohar.

Question: What does it mean that the Torah is Zeir Anpin?

Answer: Zeir Anpin is the central part of the system of nature which receives everything from above and transmits it down to its components: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human nature. Therefore, it is considered that the entire nature is Zeir Anpin.
From Kab TV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 5/21/23

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