The Path in the Field of Life

750.03Rabbi Hiya and Rabbi Yosi (two sages) were walking along the way. When they arrived at a certain field, Rabbi Hiya said to Rabbi Yosi, “Your saying Barah Sheet, which is implied in Beresheet, is so indeed, since the six upper days, which are only VAK de Bina, impart upon the Torah, ZA, and not more. The others, GAR de Bina, are hidden (Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (Rashbi), Zohar for All, “Lock and Key”).

Question: What is written here is not about history but about the inner development of a person. What is the meaning of “the path”? Why is emphasis placed specifically on the fact that sages approached a field and not, for example, a forest? What is the mystery of all these terms?

Answer: What is described in The Book of Zohar indeed resembles our life. We must cross the field and find our path in it. It is good when there is someone else walking with us on the road, a traveling companion with whom we can discuss our path, unite, and try to clarify our goal whether we are going in the right direction, and so on.

Therefore, the article “Lock and Key” describes a phenomenon that is quite common in our life, when we want to do something and we have a traveling companion with whom by talking together we come to a certain conclusion of what should we do in order not to make mistakes on the path of life.

The road symbolizes the path that we go through in life. And the field is a place of work where a person puts in efforts to choose his direction and find the right path that would lead him to the purpose of life.
From KabTV’s “Introduction to The Book of Zohar” 5/21/23

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