Spiritual Feeling Cannot Be Wrong

294.1Question: No one can grasp the nuances of the entire corporeal world, and neither can you. You do not know all aspects of it, do you?

Answer: No. Not a single Kabbalist knew them.

Question: How can you choose the course of action on the Internet or during dissemination?

Answer: This is a consequence of what I feel from a spiritual state and not because it is beneficial for some economic, political, or social reasons. Everything proceeds from what we need to do in the world, what kind of connection is needed, and where to apply our forces.

For example, if the world did not require a connection today, then we would not develop like this on the Internet. If we did not have to quickly give the method of correction to people, then we would not develop local television and so on. That is, all this follows only from a feeling of the spiritual need of the world.

Question: How accurately can you feel it? Is it just trial and error?

Answer: Technically I could be wrong, but only technically. As for the rest, I proceed from my spiritual feeling, which is not mistaken. I cannot make mistakes because I am in this and it already exists, only it has not yet been embodied in our world.

That is, if you ask me how to work online or what to do there, then I could be wrong. I feel the spirit of this and the technical implementation, quite possibly I may not advise correctly.

If not now, then in six months, and not by this method, but by another, we will come to this again and will implement it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Calculations for the Future” 4/30/11

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