Up to Your Ears in a Donkey

701The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us about the soul, about the closest and most innate thing for everyone. It explains what to do with this internal structure, how you can develop it, and begin to feel it. After all, your “I” is hidden somewhere very deep within you, and you do not feel it at all. You exist in your animalistic body, which lives for some period of time and dies.

Imagine that your dog, pig, or donkey lives next to you. And you are kind of inside them. Your thoughts are in this donkey, your desires are in it, your motives are in it, everything is in it, in this donkey that stands next to you. And you yourself do not exist. You are near it, but you do not exist. Absolutely everything that is in you is in him.

This is how we exist in our world, without even imagining that we have to get out of it, break away a little, and find ourselves existing separately from the donkey standing next to us. Let him stand, let him live, and let us give him the most necessary things. It needs nothing but water and a bag of grain. Give it good grain and it will be content with that.

Everything else is the soul. But we do not even touch it, we do not tear ourselves away from our donkey.

Question: Do I still somehow associate myself with this donkey?

Answer: All the time. You live in it. Apart from that, you do not have a single thought of “Who am I?” This is what you do not have—disconnection from the donkey! You are up to your ears in the donkey!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Head over heels inside the donkey!” 2/2/11

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