The Main Problem of Professionals

962.7Comment: It often happens in life that until a person becomes a professional, he studies and absorbs information. Afterward, when he reaches the professional level, he no longer wants to hear anything and becomes dead, closed.

My Response: But this is natural! Egoism induces him to protect what is his own.

Question: Does this kind of development happen in Kabbalah where a person reaches a peak and does not want to perceive others? He is told, “You should do it this way.” And he responds, “Don’t tell me what to do, I know what I’m doing.”

Answer: That means he is not a Kabbalist. On the contrary, it is written about a Kabbalist, “I learned from the sages, I learned from my teachers, but I learned even more from my students.”

I have admitted on numerous occasions that when listening to my students, I became jealous of how well they are able to speak. This is very serious because every person expresses himself from the root of his soul. There are no identical impressions or opinions. By becoming incorporated in my students, through them I feel the upper world and receive enormous additions by that.

And generally speaking, I envy the way they develop, how quickly it all happens in our time! This is a good envy because a person never envies his student or son maliciously. I continue to give them everything I can.

It is only in the egoistic conditions of our world that scientists try not to reveal their secrets. But here, it is the opposite! How else can it be? After all, you are opening up the path to the Creator and revealing Him more and more. Here, one thing does not happen at the expense of another. On the contrary, they supplement each other!

Question: Have you ever had times when you felt that you are becoming closed off, that no information comes out of you?

Answer: Only when I am ill, I sometimes disconnect for a day or two. But otherwise, no.

Sometimes there are states when a fog descends upon the group, so to say, but it is constructive; in reality, it builds. To me, any state is progress forward, just like in all of nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Main Problem of Professionals” 12/29/12

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