Perception of the World

928Question: Does the visual picture of the perception of our world change when entering the spiritual world?

Answer: Our world does not change in any way, only its roots change. Meaning, I begin to understand what is happening because now I perceive the higher sphere correctly.

But I cannot perceive all actions in our world correctly because many of them are carried out artificially, based on the egoism of a person acting completely wrong.

Therefore, I cannot interpret them correctly in advance, like a child who is doing something wrong. You know that he had to do this or that and get such and such results. But he did it wrong, and it is not known what consequences there may be from that.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Perception of the world” 1/9/11

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Switching the Channels of Your Own Perception
How We Perceive The World
To Perceive The World As It Is

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