Concentration During the Study

252Question: During the study a person works with the material and constantly disconnects from it, works and disconnects. You say that these exits and entries are useful; they make him cling to the material.

How is this better than entering into the material once at the beginning of the lesson and staying in it?

Answer: This is the animalistic level. There is no addition in it. But spiritual work consists precisely in the fact that you are thrown out all the time and you rise on the waves. Through such small ascents that you try to do by yourself, you gradually rise, like a caterpillar crawling up.

Question: Let’s say a person starts studying and immerses himself in the material, but suddenly the thought comes to him: “I forgot to turn off the gas.” Does he need to break away from it and re-enter the material?

Answer: Yes, the Creator constantly gives him these things.

Question: But when you are given this thought, where do you get the strength to overcome it?

Answer: You do not need to do anything. You can be thrown out of the topic of the lesson for half an hour and only then is it made clear to you that you are in different thoughts. From then on, you have to work.

But until that moment, it was necessary for some reason to throw you out of the lesson.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Concentration during the Study” 1/2/11

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