Live with the Problems of Society

630.2Question: Some students think that if they mention a word from Kabbalah while disseminating Kabbalah, they allegedly conveyed something to humanity. But in reality, for many people all of this is all incomprehensible.

How can one prepare correctly before talking to a person?

Answer: It is necessary to must include oneself in the entire surrounding society and try in some way to live with its sufferings and problems.

Then, quite possibly, it will be possible to somehow understandably, intimately, and cordially convey to you its problems in a sympathetic way, not in the form of moralizing, but in a pleasant way so they will not reject you, but will accept you as their own. It is then that we will understand our capabilities and how to approach people.

To do this, we must first study how humanity lives, rather than trying to tear off pieces from a closed circle and throw them into the world.

When a person begins to understand that Kabbalah is the most practical science designed to correct our world, to correct people and raise them to the level of the Creator, then after preliminary training, he will realize that he must turn to the world and lift it up. Kabbalah is a practice.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Problems of Kabbalah” 2/18/11

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