Correction by Pain

963.4Question: As a Kabbalist, can’t you see the current pressure on humanity as good?

Answer: No, I look at it based on what a person feels.

When parents punish a child and he cries, is it good? But they have no choice. He wants to do something bad, and they are trying to stop him. He resists with all his might, and then they punish him because it is impossible to explain anything to him in any other way.

They try to make him instinctively feel that if he uses egoism, he will be hurt: “If you are rude to someone, then know that you will get hurt accordingly. Do you feel pain? Yes, you feel it. The rudeness that you have allowed toward others, do you understand it? You do. Still doing the same thing? Then we will cause you pain until you decide that it is better without it. To that extent, you will stop being rude to others.”

Meaning, it is necessary to integrate the pain with the injury that he inflicts on society. This is the correction.

Imagine how much humanity needs to be beaten so that it understands that using egoism is to its own detriment, what must punishments be with every egoistic movement: internal—in thoughts, and external—in action.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is the Pain of a Kabbalist?”

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