Measures of Spiritual Attainment

708In our world, there is a certain cyclical change of time, days, weeks, and so on, because the perception of a person is divided in this way. Everything happens relative to him. The person who began to build the upper world in himself revealed it in certain measures of attainment: day-night, week, that is, six days, and the seventh state is called Shabbat (Saturday).

Then he began to determine that his sensations depend on some special light source called the “moon,” and relative to it he is in a state of four definite steps called “weeks.” Then he felt his dependence on another source of light called the “sun,” relative to which he is in a state of twelve or thirteen degrees. These degrees change every four years.

This was determined by Adam, the first person who attained the spiritual world. Everything comes from him to us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Days When Miracles Happen” 10/7/12

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