Human Types

559Question: Why are there stereotypes of people?

Answer: It is because all our internal properties consist of five parts, each of which is divided in turn by another five, another five, and so on.

But these are very clear gradations. We do not take into account the root part because it is the root, and four parts come from it. From here we have a division into types of characters, types of races, and generally everything.

Question: Why, as a rule, do we determine the type by appearance? Let’s say: this professor, this murderer, this alcoholic?

Answer: Because there is a correspondence between a person’s appearance and his qualities since at each level they manifest themselves differently. Naturally, a person is already in such behavior, and in communication, and in movements, and in conversation, and in thoughts—in everything. After all, each property of the four main ones (HaVaYaH) is divided into four more, four more, and so on. Hence the division into groups.

Comment: At one time, an experiment was conducted on how public opinion affects a person: they took students, showed them some face and gave them a brief description: “This man is a murderer, cold–blooded…”—so and so. “Describe how you see him.” And the person would begin to describe: “Yes, he actually…”

My Response: This is a completely different matter. People were given such a tip and probably wanted to show how a preconceived opinion leads them away from the truth.

But, in principle, you can more or less judge people by their appearance. Although, this does not apply for example to major scammers, internal freaks, or maniacs, they may have a super-intelligent look.

And today it is impossible to say anything about it at all because our egoism has reached such heights in its development that the most seemingly calm, intelligent people suddenly find themselves under such pressures, such impulses that were not peculiar to them before. Therefore, no one believes anyone now.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Human Types” 4/21/12

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