Saturation with the Upper Light

506.1Question: People communicate with each other mostly during meals: either they sit in a cafe or drink tea at home, and so on. Why does such a ritual of communication take place during meals?

Answer: This has been and is the case in all cultures everywhere and always because the most pleasant state of a person is when he is getting saturated and filled.

Filling the soul with the upper light is called Taamim (flavors). This corresponds to the intake of food and liquids in our world. In the spiritual world, our coming closer to each other causes us to receive light, and in our world to receive food. In other words, we call the upper light (food) upon ourselves, and this brings us closer.

In the spiritual world, on the contrary, everything goes according to the work of the person, i.e., coming closer to each other causes us to have the opportunity to receive light.

This is the real Kabbalah; it is the most obvious, best action a person can do because the connection with others gives us the opportunity to reveal the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Most Delicious Food” 5/27/12

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