Carriers of the Spark of Light

294.1In our world, Jews are carriers of a spark of light; therefore, people subconsciously hate them: “There is something peculiar about them, something about them is not right. They are not like all other people; they are like a special race or space aliens.”

And in fact, it is true. After all, there are fragments of sparks in them, which are opposite to the egoism of an ordinary healthy person. Therefore, on the one hand, people are drawn to them; on the other hand, they hate them.

From this, they inflated an entire system, anti-Semitism, and everything else. Why? Such is the difference in qualities! In our world they are the only ones who have a spark of light.

These Jews are still trying to convince everyone that they are like everyone else. But this spark is embedded within you, you cannot cut it out with any surgical instruments! You have something that others do not have. Other people are obliged to hate you because this is an opposite quality, it is not from our world at all!

Therefore, until the same quality is manifested in all people, anti-Semitism will exist. That is, on one hand, it is impossible to destroy these people, this tribe, this practically Kabbalistic group, because they have an upper purpose: to transmit the highest state to the entire world.

On the other hand, as long as they do not realize their mission, which they themselves do not suspect, anti-Semitism and hatred for this quality will not pass. They must reverse it, but not for their own sake.

Anti-Semitism somehow drives them to this and catalyzes the process.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Those Jews Again!” 6/9/12

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