Kabbalah Is Not Transmitted through Inheritance

627.1Question: Did your teacher Rabash tell you how he came to study Kabbalah?

Answer: He was born into the family of a great Kabbalist and continued his work.

Comment: But you said that Kabbalah is not transmitted by inheritance.

My Response: This is not about inheritance, but about the environment in which he lived. He could very easily not study Kabbalah. Baal HaSulam certainly did not force him.

I have two daughters and a son. My son studies constantly, but in a very calm way. One daughter is completely disconnected from Kabbalah because science, biology, is everything to her. The second one is very devoted to our path, inner work, and everything that happens to a person on this journey.

It is not possible to understand where it came from to them and what it is. It is as if I was divided into two people. One is me, the incomplete scientist incarnated in the first daughter, and the other, a Kabbalist, in the second one. This is how they divided my internal system among themselves.

Question: Although Kabbalah is not transmitted at the genetic level, does something remain? You are a Kabbalist, and are your children carrying a part of you?

Answer: Maybe yes and maybe no, and not necessarily in one’s children.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Genetic Kabbalah” 3/31/12

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The Spiritual Gene, Part 1
The Genetic Map Of Humanity, Part 2
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