The Difference between a Kabbalist, a Rabbi, and a Scientist

226Question: What is the difference between a lesson conducted by a Kabbalist and lessons by a rabbi or lectures of a professor?

Answer: A rabbi or a professor talk about our world. And the Kabbalist speaks about the next degree of man and how to ascend to it. That is the difference.

The Kabbalist brings revelation of the upper world to the world, and a professor and a rabbi simply bring knowledge.

Question: Based on what needs does a professor or a rabbi do this? What is their fuel?

Answer: Based on everything that governs a person: fame, power, knowledge, it doesn’t matter what.

Even that same professor (who is only interested in knowledge and wholeheartedly wants to pass it on to his students) has even more egoism because knowledge is higher than fame and power. Knowledge includes all previous degrees.

Therefore, it cannot be said that he has locked himself somewhere in a corner and does not need anything from the world. On the contrary, it is huge egoism.

And above this ego, there is egoism that arises in the Kabbalist, and he corrects it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Difference Between A Kabbalist And A Rabbi And A Scientist” 3/11/12

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