The Second Floor of Reality

229As created beings, we exist in two worlds at once. The so-called lower world is the world that we feel now according to our initial nature, that we were born with and in which we develop. But Kabbalists tell us that there is also the upper world to which we need to ascend.

The difference between these two worlds comes from the difference between two forces of nature: the force that separates us from each other and the force that brings us closer. It is like a plus and a minus, only they exist at the human degree. The closer we become to each other, by annulling egoism that separates us, the more similar we become to the upper force, the force of the Creator, the force that attracts and unites, which means we can move from the sensation of this world to the sensation of the upper world.

So far we are in the grip of the desire to enjoy, which forces everyone to act only for their own personal benefit. We need to reach connection by annulling our egoism and connecting above it as one man with one heart. This is the level at which the Creator exists—the single force that controls the entire universe.

Only these two levels exist in nature: the egoistic level and the altruistic level, the level of hatred and the level of love. We are at the final stage of our egoistic development and gradually we are beginning to learn that apparently there is another level where we exist as a united humanity.

Whether in a good way or by force, we will have to get acquainted with this second floor of reality and climb up to it. There are two possibilities for this: a good path or a bad path.

The bad path is a path of suffering under blows that we have already felt once in the past and that we still have to face in the future. The good path is a path of light, a force that connects, that brings us closer, and that teaches us how to be at the uppermost level of existence.

The wisdom of Kabbalah talks about this path of how to rise from our level, from the level of separation and confrontation, to the level of unification. Kabbalah has been talking about this for thousands of years. We will have to study this methodology and implement it in the relationship between us and between all the inhabitants of this world.

All Kabbalistic books write about this. These two forces exist in nature and it all depends on how we use them.
From the Convention in Turkey 2022, “The Conditions for Connection in the Group,” Lesson 1

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