
559Comment: You said that, in principle, a person who is studying Kabbalah does not have to participate in public actions that the group participates in to unite the masses, but he initiate creating some platforms where people unite.

My Response: The fact is that there are people who can be leaders, and there are those who can only be assistants. Everyone should find their place, but still take part in dissemination.

Everyone should participate as much as possible in what they are capable. Otherwise, you do not express yourself. After all, in this case you will have no vessel, the feeling of the next degree.

Question: Why is it important that all participants express themselves from time to time, both quiet and active ones?

Answer: It is because figuring out the love of friends for each other contributes to their rapprochement. For this, there is a clear instruction from Kabbalists.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Self-expression” 12/15/13

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