If Connection Is Not in the Name of Good

273.02Comment: In principle, our world is built on connection. Either way, people gather in some kind of enterprise, around some idea, for example, football, etc.

My Response: They connect by an egoistic purpose—to benefit from the connection instead of letting the other win. Like the Mafia or some organization that needs to be strong in order to defeat others.

If the connection is not directed for the sake of good, peace, love, or revelation of the upper state, then it is contraindicated. In any case, it will lead to a bad result, as we saw in the example of the Soviet Union where the idea of unity, brotherhood, equality, and solidarity was emasculated. In the beginning, they were really calling everyone for this, everyone was considered brothers, equals, everyone was united, there was an urge, and it did not matter that everyone earned one hundred and twenty rubles (very little).

This attracted people, and in the West they could not suggest something equal to this, although they received many times more money. But one received five hundred times more, and the other only five, and this difference spoils everything for a person. But when everyone earns one hundred and twenty, then it is better. If only this idea were promoted…

But this requires a spiritual background. Therefore, the lack of proper education when no one understood how to do this gave its result.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Mind of the Crowd” 11/23/13

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