Show an Example of Unity

947Today we no longer need to prove to people that connection is the cure for all problems. We just need to show that connection can be achieved. And although many believe that this is a utopia, unity can be achieved and we have such an opportunity.

We have the real method of connection and by implementing it we can come to the correction of society, life, and the world.

This message should be the very first when interacting with the masses. If earlier we started with the fact that all the problems of our world are global, integral, and in order to solve them there is nothing left for us but to unite, today they themselves say: “We understand that we need to unite and that only together we will solve any problems.”

Humanity has absolutely everything except good connection with each other. If people are connected by good, they will solve all problems.

But for now they are in mutual hatred, in rejection of each other, and all the good that they have is not dispersed, does not spread out between them in order to cover the whole earth with good, prosperity, health, and security. On the contrary, everyone pulls it to himself, and in the end there is no benefit to anyone.

This is all clear to people. Only they ask: “Is it even possible or is it a utopia?” There are those who dismiss the idea saying: “This is impossible, leave us alone, and that’s it.” And there are those who say: “Can you show me this explicitly or not? If so, I’m with you.” And there are more and more such people who agree to be shown an example of unity.

But how can we show it? Therefore, the most important thing for us today is to show them our inner strength of connection. Then they will feel that it is possible and they will inevitably join us. They will literally suck like little children to their mother.

I hope we can do it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The First Contact Is Important” 11/3/09

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