Why Don’t We Remember Our Early Childhood?

628.2Question: We know that birth is a very emotional, powerful event for a child. After a while, he can already see, hear, smell, and feel. But no one remembers this event.

Not only do we have no memories of birth itself but also not of the first two years of our life, the time when we learned to walk, get to know mom, dad, family, and the environment, and uttered our first words.

We more or less remember all our emotional surges in life, we feel them, but we do not remember this. It is as if this period is completely cut off from us. Why?

Answer: A person begins to feel himself at the age when he really becomes human. This is at the age of 12 to 13, maybe even a little later.

Question: What feelings are you talking about? For example, I remember myself at the age of four.

Answer: Yes, that is true, but it is not a sense of your “I.” It is a sensation that I exist, and you remember some pictures, some scenes from those times.

Question: Are you saying that the “I” grows in a person and at some point it says: “From now on, you will remember everything”? And the “I” that was there when I was little was not the “I” yet?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When my “I” is revealed, what does it mean? What does it require? Why are such bright colors suddenly starting to appear?

Answer: This is when there is a connection with other people and especially hormonal attraction (at the age of 13 to 14). Then a person begins to form completely. All his, so to say, levels are already included in the awareness of the world and of oneself.

Question: Why does this “I” manifest in a person and begin to lead further?

Answer: In order for him to correct himself and to raise himself. In order for him to understand what he exists for. From this time on, you can already start working with a person.

Question: For an ordinary person, is the “I” something completely different?

Answer: It is because we are not being taught!

I was not taught either. But I remember wondering, “What is next?” And there is nothing. That is all. Next, you will go to school, to college, and so on.

Since I did not have an answer to this question, I did not want to study, and I did not want anything at all. I was quite often in a state of apathy.

Question: Was it because there was no answer? Did the answer arise from this “I” that required growth?

Answer: Of course. What do I live for and why? It was a terrible feeling that it is pointless, useless, and you are being forced.

Question: Is, in fact, our life the formation of this “I”? What does this “I” transform into,? What does it turn into?

Answer: It turns into indifference, into apathy. It exists because you exist. There are people who do not notice it. It is good for them, they are happy to live, acquire, build, give birth, and so on. This is how life goes on for them.

Question: Is there a connection between this “I” and that upper force that you are always talking about?

Answer: Yes. In the question: “What for?” This question is transmitted from above to everyone, but in little doses. The one in whom this question arises seriously, apparently can develop it and receive answers.

Question: Can we think and fantasize about this that these “threads” exist above and come from above to the “I” of a person?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How can one determine when and which “I” will play, when and which “I” will jump out?

Answer: To do this, you need to reveal your soul, that is, your entire connection with the upper degree. Then you will know why you are being pulled this way and not in another way.

Question: Exactly at this time?

Answer: In everything.

Question: Is it programmed which “I” will jump out and which will be dulled a little bit?

Answer: Absolutely everything.

Question: Does it mean every “I” of the entire eight billion?

Answer: Of course! The beginning of creation, the end of creation, and its intermediate states—practically all of them are known in advance. Only one thing is unknown: how a person in his manifestation of freewill implements his personal participation in all this.

Here, the implementation is not prescribed in advance, but is given to a person

Question: Does it mean that, in fact, something still depends on the person?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/18/22

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My “I”
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My Self Is Actually Not Mine

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