The World Is Not a Bottomless Pot

293Question: You speak quite openly about many things. Are you not afraid of some kind of pressure by law enforcement agencies?

Answer: No, on the contrary, the more people know me, the more open I am. The more I tell everyone and everywhere how to move forward and how I understand the universe, its movement, and its purpose, the more difficult it is to get close to me, to grab hold of me; I am like a naked person who is very difficult to grab.

After all, I am not talking either about myself or about them, but about nature, about the world, and about the society we live in. There is nothing to hide here, time has changed!

If earlier I claimed that a crisis was coming and everyone laughed at me, then later, when it hit them on the head, they stopped laughing.

I said that everything was coming to an end because we exist on a planet whose territory is limited. We cannot always to develop in the form of consume and consume; we have already scraped out everything from the “pot”! What comes next? Nobody wants to think.

Such a thought has never occurred to mankind, and now suddenly… Why do people become wiser? Due to the fact that they themselves see the bottom that they have reached. We got so deep to the bottom that today necessities are already a problem. And now there will be a problem to scrape energy and materials for the necessities for mankind!

I used to say and keep saying that it is necessary to do something with the unemployed masses in advance; you will not find employment for them anywhere. Do you think that you can destroy them with drugs, family disintegration and so on? You will not be able to do this. It is a very long process, and nothing will come of it because you are going against nature.

You are going against nature, not against society that you supposedly can somehow destroy. It will not work!

But people do not hear. However, this does not mean that I should be silent.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Protection from Enemies” 8/22/13

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