The Purpose of the Development of Nature

293Question: In the 14th century when the bubonic plague raged around the world, sixty million people died. People died instantly. What is the qualitative difference between those sufferings and the present ones?

Answer: The current suffering is practically regulated by man. We have entered a period of development where we can regulate everything: suffering, joy, progress, and regression. Nature has a goal—to bring us to absolute perfection, that is, to complete bestowal and love among ourselves, whether we want it or not.

Our freewill lies in the choice of the path: which way to go in carrying out this program. Therefore, if we behave accordingly, then the program treats us favorably, we implement it and move toward the goal.

If we do not want to move toward this goal in any format, if there are no any indications on our part that we proceed in the direction of awareness, consent, and implementation of the idea of ​​nature, the plan of nature, the goal of nature, then this plan is still being implemented, but goes against our will and feels like great sufferings.

On the one hand, these are the actions of humanity regarding the natural plan of development, although people do not understand and do not know it. On the other hand, humanity sees its development in a completely different way than is set by nature. This is an egoistic, terrible, incomprehensible development that has no plan.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Destruction of the Earth’s Population” 9/7/13

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