In the Movement of Internal Correction

565.01Question: Very often your students demand an explanation of the results of spiritual and also in material actions, because they believe that it is impossible to make efforts and not get results. When you were in this situation, what saved you?

Answer: I have always been saved only by the realization that there is nothing else in the world. I have suffered so much in the search for truth, until I found Kabbalah, and from the moment I began to study it, no illusions were left for me about anything created, invented by people, and therefore, I do not take all this seriously.

Of course, I can be engaged in research, but I immediately see the corruption of any other system of worldviews, any other attitude to the world. I am only in one huge movement of internal correction.

This is an enormous gift – a priceless gift that the Creator gave to the inhabitants of this world in order for them to rise to the highest point of unification with Him. How is it possible to leave it?!

I personally missed it so much. It can be said that from the moment of birth until I realized what I had actually found, I was in constant depression, in a feeling of worthlessness.

Even when I was a child, I always looked at myself and the world as if from the outside. I did not perceive it directly, but as if from the side. I looked at myself and the world from the outside: “Well, and what is here? What is the purpose, what for, how, why?”

I think that many people feel this way, but it was accompanied by very unpleasant sensations for me, this worthlessness was pressing me. On the one hand, it was necessary to study and acquire a profession, and on the other hand…

That is why, when I found Kabbalah, of course, right away I dropped everything. I had a great business, all the conditions, and I gave up everything, I couldn’t look at it. Not that it used to interest me, no. I just didn’t have anything else. And now the opportunity to attain the truth appeared—the global, absolute truth. I couldn’t be engaged in anything else, and I became fully immersed in it. So harder or easier, but regarding the goal, I have no questions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Where Are the Results?!” 11/9/13

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