How To Reach Love Of The Creator

544Rabash, Article 6 (1984), “Love of Friends – 2”:By each joining the society and annulling oneself before it, they become one body.

For example, if there are ten people in that body, it has ten times more power (when united) than a single person does. However, there is a condition: When they gather, each of them should think that he has now come for the purpose of annulling self-love. It means that he will not consider how to satisfy his will to receive now, but will think as much as possible only of the love of others (about uniting with and filling the friend). This is the only way to acquire the desire and the need to acquire a new quality, called “the will to bestow.”

And from love of friends one can reach love of the Creator, meaning wanting to give contentment to the Creator. 

Look how many colors there are in this passage.

By annulling oneself in front of the group, each one forms a group, a single whole.

In this unified whole, each one has ten times more strength than he has alone.

Imagine if you had ten times more spiritual powers, the qualities of bestowal, than you do now, you would have had already jumped into the upper world.

Just imagine, if I get incorporated in others and take from each of them literally a grain of what is in them of the desire for spirituality that the Creator planted in them, and I annul before them, I already have ten such parts—I immediately find myself in the spiritual world, rise above myself, above egoism. I have the strength for this; I got it from my friends.

Therefore, if this whole (group) consists of ten people, then each of us has ten times more strength than each one individually.

However, there is a condition: When they gather, each of them should think that he has now come for the purpose of annulling self-love. It means that he will not consider how to satisfy his will to receive now, but will think as much as possible only of the love of others. This is the only way to acquire the desire and the need to acquire a new quality, called “the will to bestow.”

However, there is a condition: When they gather, each of them should think that he has now come for the purpose of annulling self-love (the abolition of selfishness). It means that he will not consider (think about) how to satisfy his will to receive now (their own egoistic desires), but will think as much as possible only of the love of others (only about the possibility of bestowing to one’s neighbor).

This is practically the realization of love—to give to another. This is the only way to acquire the desire and the need to acquire a new quality, called “the will to bestow.”

By including oneself in others and trying to somehow connect with them enough to wish to give to them, I acquire a new quality, the desire to bestow. So from the love of friends, we come to the love of the Creator.

The Creator is the final common goal, the sum of all our relationships to each other. And if I want to give to the whole group, then I begin to feel that my attitude toward them is love for the Creator.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/6/22, “Approaching the Creator Through the Network of Connections Between Us” Lesson 1

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