Let’s Switch Off The Electricity

962.3Comment: I read an article “Forward to the past or how to stop negative evolution” [in Russian] where they wrote that degradation has been going on for decades. Food is getting worse. Incomes and the standard of living of the middle class are falling. Security, education, medicine, human rights, and social protection are being destroyed. The institution of the family is in decline, the birth rate is falling. Culture, art, fashion, cinema, everything is in decline. Legislation is being rewritten in favor of the rich and powerful. Theft is flourishing, we need to provide for ourselves, for our children, as the future is dark. A sharp left turn to improve the lives of citizens will provoke turmoil for years, and right-wing conservatism is not much better.

I read no conclusions it is just full of this is bad and that is bad. That’s what today’s time is like.

My Response: I think if electricity were switched off, then everything would be fine. Everything would go out, subside, machinery would stop. And that’s it.

Question: What would this blackout mean?

Answer: It is energy, any type of energy that feeds our egoism in all its egoistic manifestations in this world, energy of combustion, electrical energy, energy of movement , we use all this to our detriment. We need to go back 120 years and realize how we to create the world anew.

Question: So we have to understand why we would be given electricity? Not to steal progressively and earn money, but for something else? What for?

Answer: Just to restore the right connection between us. And to this extent we can use all the energy.

Question: Why do I turn on the lights, turn on machinery, and drive cars?

Answer: Only in order to transmit goodness to the world. I need energy for everything kind and useful I can do for the world, connection with others. And if I can’t do it clearly, if I don’t know how, then I don’t need energy. Don’t let me, don’t allow me to come in contact with other people at all.

See what is going on with the Internet! This is terrible! How much hatred there is! As soon as we turn on the energy, electricity, all the evil rushes out.

Question: Should a person translate the word “good” in different ways or in one common context?

Answer: For the benefit of others.

Question: What is the benefit of others?

Answer: The benefit is that they should also think about the benefits for others.

Question: And then what is the general benefit?

Answer: We should all be wrapped up in common concern for the benefit of others. That’s it.

Question: Is that why we need to turn on the light?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/4/21

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