Energy Crisis—The Problem Of Unreasonable Humanity

961.1Question: As a consequence of the pandemic and perhaps some more global reasons, there is an energy crisis in Europe, China, and Asia. There is an explosive rise in prices of coal, gas, and to some extent oil. Many people say that the main currency of the world is the dollar, but in reality, it is energy.

What do you think is the future of energy in terms of human consumption?

Answer: Humanity is driving itself into a corner. If we are to blame for the development of all kinds of energy consumers, then what can we expect? Of course an energy crisis.

In principle, if you take a sensible look at the world at how much energy it needs for food, clothing, and doing everything necessary for a normal, quiet life without any excess, then we would see that there is a huge overproduction of energy in the world, and we do not need to rush anywhere and do anything. We just have to grasp this a little and cancel all unnecessary things.

Let’s click on the switches and check what we really need in our life as energy consumers. Then we will understand that we will be “in the positive” and do not need to rush. And the energy deficit that we all of the sudden notice is being pumped up on purpose.

So, I do not think this is a problem for humanity. This is a problem of unreasonable humanity. But all the same, we will have to come to some reasonable decision.

Question: How do you feel about the global boom in transitioning to green energy?

Answer: This is all just the policy of the “Green Parties” and others. I do not know who and how. There is nothing in this.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 10/19/21

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