Preparation For The Future

626Question: Probably there is no point on the map where Jews do not live. What are the reasons for their dispersion around the world? Why is this necessary?

Answer: This is preparation for the future. The Jews are the group of people from ancient Babylon who received the method of correcting humanity and lifting it to the next level of existence, to the next dimension. Now they must present it to the entire world. The time has come.

As it is written in The Book of Zohar, this should have happened at the end of the 20th century. We see how in our time the wisdom of Kabbalah is becoming more and more popular because humanity needs a new method, an understanding of the causes, consequences, and purpose of its existence.

The Jews kept this method for 4,500 years. Although they do not represent a genetic group, during this time a special genetic tradition, sequence, and connection appeared also on our corporeal level.

Since they were engaged in certain spiritual corrections and attainments, this left its mark on their corporeal capabilities: history, geography, and everything we see throughout all millennia.

In addition we should take into account the hidden current of this ancient Babylonian group called Jews, from the word “Yichud” (unity), which is based on reaching unity of all of humanity between themselves and with the Creator. These are the ten tribes that broke away from the general group 2,800 years ago at the time of the destruction of the First Temple. They are all scattered around the world and we do not know where they are or who they are.

As a result there are huge undercurrents in humanity, and we do not understand why some events suddenly occur. All of this is in order to bring the world to correction, and therefore it is somehow connected with this group. However the rest of humanity is relatively passive.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Expulsion” 12/11/09

Related Material:
Jews Cannot Be Annihilated
“No Safe Haven For Diaspora Jews But Israel” (Linkedin)
The Truth About Jews And Gentiles

Closing The Segment Of Correction

251And he shall dwell in that city until he stand before the tribunal for judgment, until the death of the High Priest that shall be in those days. Then shall the slayer return, and come to his own city, and to his own house, to the city from which he fled (Prophets, Joshua, 20:6).

We are talking about the fact that a certain segment of correction is closed, and then a new stage begins that a person no longer relates directly to. Then he can, as if, start a new life.

Question: Does it mean that this is a new cycle, the path of correction again?

Answer: The length of punishment is determined from above, but the person does not know for how long.

Question: It is written that after the death of the High Priest, the murderer can return to his city, to his home. Does he return to his old desires or already to some kind of new ones?

Answer: Everything that he has done wrong is erased and he begins a new cycle.

However, he definitely gets credit for everything that happened because it is due to these years that he undergoes corrections, and therefore now is able to live them again in the correct form. Everything he experienced accumulates in him, does not disappear anywhere, and later he uses this experience.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 8/16/21

Related Material:
Animals – Our Correction Ensures their Best Treatment
The Beginning Of Correction In Three Lines
The Order Of Correction

Friends From The World Of Truth

294.3When a person dies, he is given permission to see. He sees his kin and his friends from the world of truth, he recognizes them (Zohar for All, “VaYechi,” Item 168).

“When a person dies” means that he has risen from the previous degree to the upper degree, i.e., he has connected even more with the rest of the souls above his animalistic egoistic desires. There he sees those kindred, close-to-him souls, with whom he will now begin to connect to master this degree.

That is, each spiritual degree is arranged according to a very simple principle and is based on an even greater connection of souls between themselves both in quantity and quality.

Question: Are the close here called those who were close to him in life?

Answer: Of course not! The father, mother, brothers, sisters, or children have no relation to spirituality. Only your friends from the spiritual work or those upper souls, your teachers, who helped you do. You discover that they are around you. This is your spiritual environment, your spiritual group.

First you discover your friends, and possibly not even those you had before on previous levels. Additionally, you discover upper souls who are now connecting to you. In the same way at school, for example, you move from one class to another, change teachers, or move from one place of work to another and change your environment.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #20

Related Material:
How To Find A Kindred Soul
Who Can Be Considered A True Friend?
The Friend Is My Mirror

Growth Problems

628.3The end is guaranteed, but in its time, meaning it is completely connected and dependent on time.” (Baal HaSulam, “Peace in the World”)

If we don’t hasten our development, it will take place in its time, which means in 221 years, the years that remain until the end of 6,000 years.

But we will not be rewarded with living in our current corporeal clothing this way until then. So, let’s try to attain the 6,000 years in our spiritual clothing and wrapping now in this life. We will make efforts and we will attain it.

According to the above-mentioned law of gradual development, one must go through many degrees, which tend to come heavily and very slowly and lengthily, and stretch over a very long time before one reaches the end.

Kabbalists don’t hide the fact that there are problems along the spiritual path. But these are our growth problems just like the growth of small children. They are beaten, fight with others, cry, and express their discontent, which are all phases of their growth, and nothing can be done about it.

It is the same in spirituality. But it is a process that can be accelerated. We begin to understand very quickly that it is when we act this way that we advance.

Because the objects we are discussing are evolving, sensing, living beings, they, too, must suffer great agony and pains in those states of development, since the compelling force that exists in those degrees in order to raise man from a lower degree to a higher one is but a pushing force of pain and torments that has accumulated in the lower degree and that can no longer be tolerated.

This is about the path of suffering and not about our path. Our problems are only in the ten, in order to guide us to increasingly greater unity, and then nothing can scare us and we will not undergo any suffering.

But if we don’t begin to do that, the world will undergo terrible afflictions. Today the media everywhere don’t even hide the fact anymore that our world has reached a dead end. All political and economic systems have ended their functions and there is no solution.

We are living in wonderful times and it is so good because we are given an opportunity to ascend above our dull and gloomy life to a totally different state.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 7/14/19

Related Material:
Changing Life For The Better
Hurry To Wake Up Before Dawn
Altruism – The Basic Law Of Nature

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 10/4/21

Preparation to the Lesson

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Writings of Baal HaSulam, Shamati #11 “Joy with Trembling”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 58

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Selected Highlights

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